I love to make sight word lessons fun, visual and memorable by using a variety of methods from favorite nursery rhymes to songs as well as picture books, big books and poetry. I also incorporate these words into their writing and art. As we do this all week, I find that children are better able to remember these words long term.
Several great BOOKS include:
2. "The Up and Down Book" by Mary Blair
3. "Up and Down" by Oliver Jeffers
4." Skippyjon Jones Up and Down" by Judith Byron Schachner
5. "Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt" by Kate Messner
6. "Up, Up, Down" by Robert Munsch
7. Hickory Dickory Dock
8. Jack and Jill
9. Itsy Bitsy Spider
10. This book of poems is filled with wonderful age appropriate poetry for our younger children, and I read "The Swing" by Robert Louis Stevenson for up and down.
11." Up, Down Touch the Ground" from Winnie the Poo
ART and WRITING: I have students fold paper in half, long ways. The they write UP and DOWN on each side. They can draw and write things that come down and things that go up.